Here are some pictures from people and daily life in Bolivia.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.


Local People
Local people. (1121k)
Indigenous Women
Indigenous women. (634k)
Indigenous Woman
Indigenous woman. (708k)
Indigenous Woman Child
Indigenous woman and child. (856k)

Daily Life

Local Market
Local market. (712k)
Local Flower Vendor
Local flower vendor. (739k)
Camping Beni River
Camping on the Beni River. (1031k)
Navigating Shallow Water Beni
Navigating shallow water on the Beni River. (661k)
Fisherman Beni River
Fisherman on the Beni River. (890k)
Fisherman Beni River
Fisherman on the Beni River. (985k)
Vendors Bus Stop
Vendors at a bus stop. (714k)
Traffic Signs Didn't Understand
Some traffic signs I didn't understand. This was on a regular road with one lane in each direction. What is it that prohibited here? Is this just a fancy no-passing sign? (1401k)

This page contains 12 pictures

Main page for Bolivia

Page last updated on Fri Feb 5 15:43:32 2021 (Mountain Standard Time)

People in Bolivia on

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

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