The southern half of Montserrat is basically buried by the volcano. Plymouth, the former capital, is abandoned.

The main economic endeavor in Montserrat is mining volcanic aggregate for construction.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.


School Girl Uniform
School girl in uniform. (695k)
Little Bay North Montserrat
Little Bay in the north of Montserrat. (822k)
Pelicans Swimming Little Bay
Pelicans swimming in Little Bay. (833k)
Volcanic Aggregate Mining Operation
Volcanic aggregate mining operation. (652k)
Volcanic Aggregate Mining Operation
Volcanic aggregate mining operation. (900k)
First Looks Like Peaceful
At first it looks like a peaceful Caribbean village, but it is all abandoned and decaying. (945k)
Flank Volcano Debris Flow
Flank of the volcano with debris flow above the remnants of Plymouth. (864k)
Buried Plymouth
Buried Plymouth. (1001k)
Abandoned Building Along Road
Abandoned building along the road, being overgrown. (1061k)
Abandoned Building Along Road
Abandoned building along the road, being overgrown. (932k)
Abandoned Apartment Complex
Abandoned apartment complex. (1400k)
Used Hotel Half Buried
This used to be a hotel. It is half buried and decaying. (993k)
Buried Buildings Plymouth
Buried buildings in Plymouth. (784k)
Buried Buildings Plymouth Yellow
Buried buildings in Plymouth. The yellow building was a 4-story building, buried two floors deep. (942k)
Buried Building Look Size
Buried building. Look at the size of the boulders that came down the mountain. (1059k)

This page contains 15 pictures

Main page for Montserrat

Page last updated on Sun Mar 10 16:07:39 2019 (Mountain Standard Time)

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© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
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