This page has pictures from daily life in Cuba. Most noticeable were the many 50's era American cars in Havana. They are beautiful to watch.

What surprised me about the people was that there were many obese people, mainly women. They seem to prefer Spandex clothes that are a couple of sizes too small.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

People of Cuba

School Children
School children. (635k)
Two Young Ladies
Two young ladies. (687k)
Cuban Women
Cuban women. (611k)
Cuban Woman Saw Lot
Cuban woman. I saw a lot of obese women in Cuba, many of them in Spandex, two sizes too small. (584k)
Dancers. (665k)
Dancers. (601k)
Dancers. (636k)
Dancers. (624k)
Dancers. (596k)
Dancer. (615k)
Dancer. (550k)
Singer Dancer
Singer and Dancer. (569k)
Singer. (501k)


Raining Lot
It was raining a lot. (911k)
Resulting Flooding
With the resulting flooding. (1236k)
Usually All Dry Land
This is usually all dry land. (480k)
We Had Make Big
We had to make a big detour because the main road was flooded. (583k)


On horseback. (587k)
Horse-drawn Bicycle
Horse-drawn bicycle. (847k)
Horse-drawn Cart Divided Highway
Horse-drawn cart on a divided highway. (527k)
3-wheeled Bicycle Rickshaws
3-wheeled bicycle rickshaws. (849k)
Old Cars Popular Tourists
These old cars are popular with the tourists. They are used as taxis. (788k)
50's Car
50's car. (838k)
50's Car
50's car. (831k)
50's Car
50's car. (831k)
50's Car
50's car. (856k)
50's Car
50's car. (933k)
50's Car
50's car. (759k)
50's Car
50's car. (848k)
50's Car
50's car. (741k)
50's Car Come Pastel
50's car. Many come in pastel colors like this one. (819k)
50's Car
50's car. (951k)
50's Car
50's car. (644k)
Old Volkswagen Beetle
Old Volkswagen Beetle. (949k)


Plenty Goats
Plenty of goats. (684k)
Lots Pigs Around
There were lots of pigs around. (928k)

Cuevas de los Portales

This is one of the most beautiful places in Cuba, and certainly one of the least visited. A river cuts through a mountain, forming three joined caves. The caves are big and open so you don't need flashlights or a guide. The jungle outside the caves is wilderness.

Che Guevara lived in the cave in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He figured that if the Americans bombed the rest of Cuba, he'd be ready to lead the fight against the invaders. In and around the cave are plaques explaining that he played chess on this bench, wrote letters on this table, fired his rifle at that tree for practice, etc.

House Che Guevara
House of Che Guevara. (661k)
Table Telephone
Table with telephone. (770k)
Che Guevara's Bed
Che Guevara's bed. (741k)

This page contains 39 pictures

Main page for Cuba

Page last updated on Tue Sep 24 18:19:03 2019 (Mountain Standard Time)

People of Cuba on

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