During my visit of the Cisame Camp I saw some birds. The most wildlife I saw around Kourou and on the Île Royale (Red-rumped Agouti (Dasyprocta leporina, french: Agouti doré), Brown Capuchin (Sapajus apella, german: Gehaubter Kapuziner, french: Capucin brun), Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas, german: Grüne Meeresschild­kröte, french: Tortue verte), and various birds).

Pictures of birds in French Guiana and other nature pages are separate:

Birds in French Guiana
Bird Page for French Guiana
Nature Pages
Other Nature Pages

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.


Mushroom. (899k)
Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera)
Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera, german: Kokospalme, french: Cocotier) sprouting from a coconut. (1281k)
Madagascar Rubbervine (Cryptostegia madagascariensis)
Madagascar Rubbervine (Cryptostegia madagascariensis). (567k)
Bengal Trumpet (Thunbergia grandiflora)
Bengal Trumpet (Thunbergia grandiflora, german: Großblütige Thunbergia). (689k)
Water Lily
Water lily. (657k)
Rainforest Along Approuague River
Rainforest along the Approuague River. (1094k)
Rainforest. (1.6M)
Rainforest. (1464k)
Walking Palm (Socratea exorrhiza)
Walking Palm (Socratea exorrhiza, german: Wanderpalme, french: Palmier marcheur). (1329k)
Termite Nest
Termite nest. (1152k)
Termite Tracks
Termite tracks. (965k)
Leafcutter Ants Work
Leafcutter ants at work. (1260k)
Leafcutter Ants
Leafcutter ants. (926k)
Leaf Katydid (Phaneropterinae gen.)
Leaf Katydid (Phaneropterinae gen.). (794k)
Tawny Pennant (Brachymesia herbida)
Tawny Pennant (Brachymesia herbida). (570k)
Spider Web
Spider web. (1030k)
Orb Weaver Spider (Nephila cornuta)
Orb Weaver Spider (Nephila cornuta). (529k)
Menelaus Blue Morpho (Morpho menelaus)
Menelaus Blue Morpho (Morpho menelaus, french: Morpho bleu). (693k)
Green-banded Urania (Urania leilus)
Green-banded Urania butterfly (Urania leilus, french: Chinois vert). (771k)
Whiptail Lizard (Cnemidophorus sp.)
Whiptail Lizard (Cnemidophorus sp., german: Rennechsen). (982k)
Red-rumped Agouti (Dasyprocta leporina)
Red-rumped Agouti (Dasyprocta leporina, french: Agouti doré). (955k)
Brown Capuchin (Sapajus apella)
Brown Capuchin (Sapajus apella, german: Gehaubter Kapuziner, french: Capucin brun). (880k)
Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas)
Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas, german: Grüne Meeresschild­kröte, french: Tortue verte). (615k)

This page contains 23 pictures with 13 species

French Guiana
Main page for Guyane Française (French Guiana)

Page last updated on Sat May 21 13:29:40 2022 (Mountain Standard Time)

Nature in Guyane Française (French Guiana) on soaring.geichhorn.com

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

*Dr. Günther Eichhorn Travel Website
*Soaring website