From the Argos Theater entry in Wikipedia:

The Argos Theater was built in 320 BCE. and is located in Argos, Greece against Larissa Hill. Nearby from this site is Agora, Roman Odeon, and the Baths of Argos. The theater is one of the largest architectural developments in Greece and was renovated in ca 120 CE.

The Hellenistic theater at Argos is cut into the hillside of the Larissa, with 90 steps up a steep incline, forming a narrow rectilinear cavea. Among the largest theaters in Greece, it held about 20,000 spectators and is divided by two landings into three horizontal sections. Staircases further divide the cavea into four cunei, corresponding to the tribes of Argos.(Psychogiou) British archaeologist Richard Allan Tomlinson describes the positions of the steps as not conforming to any regular plan, and the blocks are consequently of varying sizes.[2] A high wall was erected to prevent unauthorized access into the theatron and may have helped the acoustics, but it is said the sound quality is still very good today.

Around 120 CE, both theaters were renovated in the Roman style. It was around this time that the smaller of the theaters was converted to an odeon, and the Hellenistic theater became Greco-Roman. Containing one of only two examples of a circular orchestra, the other is at Epidauros. The Romans constructed a proskenion that covered part of the orchestra with a hyposkenion below it. The cavea doesn't show evidence of renovation so it can be assumed that they remain original.

Another notable feature is the Charonian stairway. Actually more like a tunnel, the stairway lead underground from the backstage to the orchestra pit and is presumed to be used to "sudden appear" among the actors in play. Other reports suggest these tunnels were too short and narrow to operate effectively for actors, especially actors in costume. In 1988, archaeologists revealed a full circle orchestra bounded by stone like the theater of Epidauros. Argos and Epidauros are the only two theaters proven to have this orchestral feature.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Theater of Argos

Theater Argos 320 Bce
Theater of Argos (320 BCE). (1268k)
Theater Argos 320 Bce
Theater of Argos (320 BCE). (1354k)
Theater Argos
Theater of Argos. (1142k)
Roman Baths Next Theater
Roman baths next to the theater, build by Hadrian (2nd century CE). (1150k)

This page contains 4 pictures

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