Crossdressing is usually something that starts fairly early in life. I became interested in crossdressing when I was about 12 or 13. At that time of course, that was not something that you did. Over the years I never completely lost that interest. The older I got, the more I thought about it. It took me a long time to finally decide to go out in public in skirts. In the area where I lived at that time (Cambridge, MA) it was not much of a problem. There are of course people who are surprised, but most of them get over it quickly. Only VERY few people have such deep hang-ups that they can't handle it. The situation where I get negative comments most often is from college kids driving by and yelling at me when I wait at a bus stop. None of them dare say anything directly to my face.

I went out in skirts in other countries as well (Germany, France, England, Australia) and never had a problem there either. But I have to admit that I am somewhat careful where I go. For instance, I spent a night in a small redneck town in Australia. When I went to the local bar, I decided not to wear a skirt but my male western outfit. Even that caused some sarcastic comments from the local youth, I think I might have had a problem there if I had worn a skirt. I also don't wear skirts in Africa or most of Asia. You never know what strange laws they might have.

When I started going out in skirts I wore ankle length skirts, mostly western style (I wear western style clothes also when I wear male clothes). But those long skirts got pretty hot when the first summer came around. As the temperatures went up, so did the hemline of my skirts  :-)

By now I love to wear miniskirts in the summer, it is fantastically comfortable.

Here are a few pictures with various skirts.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Western skirt
Western outfit. (629k)
Plaid miniskirt
Plaid miniskirt. (698k)
Plaid miniskirt
Plaid miniskirt. (685k)
Plaid miniskirt
Plaid miniskirt. (557k)
Black mini sweaterdress
Black mini sweaterdress. (672k)
Border design sweaterdress
Western Outfit. (667k)
Pinstripe skirt
Pinstripe skirt. (613k)
Turquoise miniskirt
Turquoise miniskirt. (567k)

This page contains 8 pictures

Page last updated on Fri Jan 24 00:51:04 2020 (Mountain Standard Time)

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