After visiting Kalaw, we drove to Nyaungshwe on Inle Lake. On the way I visited Shwe Yan Pya, a 250 year old monastery with a nicely carved teak wood building. After arrival in Nyaungshwe we walked around town for a couple of hours, visiting local Buddhist sites and the boat launch area.

The next day I went on a full day boat excursion on Inle Lake. We saw the fishermen on the lake, the floating village, floating gardens, markets, silver smiths and other artisans. Next stop was Nyaung Ohak, a site with hundreds of stupas. From there we walked to the Shwe Inn Dain Pagoda (Shwe Inn Thein). It is surrounded by over 1000 stupas.

Most of the houses around Inle Lake are on stilts. During high water they are "floating villages". During low water, only some of the waterways carry water.

The floating gardens are very interesting. Wherever there is land at low water levels, they grow all kinds of vegetables. But the most interesting part is that they grow tomatoes that float. The tomato plants actually float in the lake, they don't grow in soil at all. They are anchored only by bamboo sticks. There are huge areas on the lake that grow tomatoes like that. Inle Lake is the major producer of tomatoes in Myanmar.

On the way back from the boat excursion we visited the Nga Phe Kyaung Monastery (Jumping Cat Monastery), a wooden building also on stilts, like the floating village. I didn't see any cats jumping, they were just laying around, snoozing. It is not a monastery anymore, just a tourist attraction, but the building is nice to see.

The weather was a bit chilly in the morning, I regretted not having a jacket. It also was raining off and on. Fortunately, the boat had umbrellas available, so I could keep myself and my camera dry.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.


Buddhist Temple Nyaungshwe
Buddhist temple in Nyaungshwe. (900k)
Buddhist Temple Nyaungshwe
Buddhist temple in Nyaungshwe. (877k)
Buddhist Temple Nyaungshwe
Buddhist temple in Nyaungshwe. (869k)
Two Old Small Pagodas
Two old small pagodas in Nyaungshwe. The mound behind them is an overgrown ruin of another building. (1264k)
Ruins Religious Buildings Still
Ruins of religious buildings. One still has a Buddha statue in it that is still being worshiped. (1176k)
Buddha Statue Temples Nyaungshwe
Buddha statue in one of the temples in Nyaungshwe. (1092k)
Buddha Statue Bhumisparsha Mudra
Buddha statue with the Bhumisparsha Mudra in one of the temples in Nyaungshwe. (698k)
Wall Painting Scene Buddhas
Wall painting with a scene from Buddhas life. (961k)
Wall Painting Scene Buddhas
Wall painting with a scene from Buddhas life. (875k)
Wall Painting Scene Buddhas
Wall painting with a scene from Buddhas life. (927k)
Wall Painting Scene Buddhas
Wall painting with a scene from Buddhas life. (939k)

Shwe Yan Pya Monastery

Shwe Yan Pya Monastery
Shwe Yan Pya Monastery. (879k)
Teak Wood Building Shwe
Teak wood building in the Shwe Yan Pya Monastery. (739k)
Details Teak Wood Carvings
Details of the teak wood carvings. (733k)
Details Teak Wood Carvings
Details of the teak wood carvings. (697k)
Details Teak Wood Carvings
Details of the teak wood carvings. (635k)
Interior Teak Wood Building
Interior of the teak wood building in the Shwe Yan Pya Monastery. (787k)
Interior Teak Wood Building
Interior of the teak wood building in the Shwe Yan Pya Monastery. (995k)
Buddha Statue Shwe Yan
Buddha statue in the Shwe Yan Pya Monastery. (937k)
Buddha Statue Bhumisparsha Mudra
Buddha statue with the Bhumisparsha Mudra in the Shwe Yan Pya Monastery. (646k)
Building Shwe Yan Pya
Building in the Shwe Yan Pya Monastery. (766k)
Building Shwe Yan Pya
Building in the Shwe Yan Pya Monastery. This building has thousands of small Buddha statues in niches everywhere in the building. The statues are donated by visitors from all over the world. (707k)
Interior Building Buddha Statues
Interior of the building with the Buddha statues. (891k)
Altar Buddha Statues
Altar with Buddha statues. (928k)
Wall Niches Buddha Statues
Wall with niches with Buddha statues. (1242k)
Close-up Small Buddha Statues
Close-up of one of the small Buddha statues with the Bhumisparsha Mudra. (851k)
Monastery Provides Meals Needy
The monastery provides meals for needy people. (923k)

Nyaung Ohak

On the shore of Inle Lake is Nyaung Ohak. There are over hundred of brick stupas in Nyaung Ohak, most of them old and deteriorating.

View Stupas Nyaung Ohak
View of the stupas in Nyaung Ohak. (683k)
Stupas Nyaung Ohak
One of the stupas in Nyaung Ohak. (836k)
Small Stupa Tree Growing
Small stupa with a tree growing on it. This reminded me a bit of Angkor Wat, where you can also see trees growing out of the top of buildings. (823k)
Closer View Carved Stone
Closer view of the carved stone ornaments on one of the stupas in Nyaung Ohak. (1137k)
Closer View Carved Stone
Closer view of the carved stone ornaments on one of the stupas in Nyaung Ohak. (946k)
Closer View Carved Stone
Closer view of the carved stone ornaments on one of the stupas in Nyaung Ohak. (1026k)
View Stupas Nyaung Ohak
View of one of the stupas in Nyaung Ohak with a Buddha statue. (974k)
Buddha Statue Bhumisparsha Mudra
Buddha statue with the Bhumisparsha Mudra in one of the stupas in Nyaung Ohak. (947k)
Buddha Statue Bhumisparsha Mudra
Buddha statue with the Bhumisparsha Mudra in one of the stupas in Nyaung Ohak. (653k)
Buddhist Monk Among Stupas
Buddhist monk among the stupas in Nyaung Ohak. (952k)
View Nyaung Ohak Neighboring
View from Nyaung Ohak of the neighboring hills with many gold-covered pagodas. (1135k)

Shwe Inn Dain Pagoda

A small stupa was originally donated by King Siri Dhamma Sawka (273-232 BCE). It is encased in the current pagoda. There is a brick stairway on three sides, except on the western side. The eastern stairway is the longest (600 m (1,970 ft) x 3.8 m (12.5 ft)). According to a 1999 inventory, there are 1054 stupas around the pagoda, most of them build from the 14th to the 18th century.

View Shwe Inn Dain
View of the Shwe Inn Dain Pagoda behind a sea of stupas. (675k)
Buddha Statue Bhumisparsha Mudra
Buddha statue with the Bhumisparsha Mudra in the Shwe Inn Dain Pagoda. (1029k)
Ceremonial Bell Shwe Inn
Ceremonial bell in the Shwe Inn Dain Pagoda. (714k)
Stair Cases Shwe Inn
One of the stair cases to the Shwe Inn Dain Pagoda, lined with vendors of souvenirs and religious items. (909k)
View Shwe Inn Dain
View of the Shwe Inn Dain stupas. (912k)
Sea Stupas Next Shwe
Sea of stupas next to the Shwe Inn Dain Pagoda. (640k)
Large White Stupa Shwe
Large white stupa in Shwe Inn Dain. (651k)
Stone Carving Stupa Shwe
Stone carving on a stupa in Shwe Inn Dain. (735k)
Buddha Statue Bhumisparsha Mudra
Buddha statue with the Bhumisparsha Mudra in one of the stupas in Shwe Inn Dain. (508k)
Large Pink Stupa Shwe
Large pink stupa in Shwe Inn Dain. (694k)
Buddha Statue Bhumisparsha Mudra
Buddha statue with the Bhumisparsha Mudra in one of the stupas in Shwe Inn Dain. (625k)
Large Golden Stupa Shwe
Large golden stupa in Shwe Inn Dain. (605k)
Close-up Golden Stupa Shwe
Close-up of a golden stupa in Shwe Inn Dain. (867k)
Buddha Statue Bhumisparsha Mudra
Buddha statue with the Bhumisparsha Mudra in one of the stupas in Shwe Inn Dain. (602k)
Lots Older Brick Stupas
There are lots of older brick stupas in the area as well. (879k)
Large Old Brick Stupa
Large old brick stupa in Shwe Inn Dain. (701k)
Tree Growing Old Brick
A tree growing out of one of the old brick stupas in Shwe Inn Dain. (821k)
Stone Carving Detail Old
Stone carving detail on one of the old brick stupas in Shwe Inn Dain. (1221k)

Jumping Cat Monastery

Interior Jumping Cat Monastery
Interior of the Jumping Cat Monastery. (925k)
Buddha Statue Bhumisparsha Mudra
Buddha statue with the Bhumisparsha Mudra in the Jumping Cat Monastery. (902k)
Buddha Statue Bhumisparsha Mudra
Buddha statue with the Bhumisparsha Mudra in the Jumping Cat Monastery. (999k)
Buddha Statue Bhumisparsha Mudra
Buddha statue with the Bhumisparsha Mudra in the Jumping Cat Monastery. (1005k)
Buddha Statue Bhumisparsha Mudra
Buddha statue with the Bhumisparsha Mudra in the Jumping Cat Monastery. (933k)

Floating Village and Floating Gardens

Floating Village
Floating village. (852k)
House Floating Village
House in the floating village. (858k)
Simple House Floating Village
Simple house in the floating village. (1046k)
Walkway Floating Village
Walkway in the floating village. (1086k)
Simple Bridge
Simple bridge. (756k)
Covered Bridge
Covered bridge. (843k)
Satellite Tv Too
Satellite TV is here too. (1165k)
Hotel Complex Floating Village
Hotel complex in the floating village. (661k)
Temple Floating Village
Temple in the floating village. (868k)
Small Temple Floating Village
Small temple in the floating village. (758k)
Floating Gardens
Floating gardens. (889k)
Rows Tomato Plants Floating
Rows of tomato plants floating in the floating gardens. (928k)
Working Floating Gardens
Working in the floating gardens. (941k)
Bringing Produce Market
Bringing produce to market. (759k)

This page contains 75 pictures

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Page last updated on Mon Jan 20 15:14:53 2020 (Mountain Standard Time)

Inle Lake on

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

*Dr. Günther Eichhorn Travel Website
*Soaring website