I didn't see much nature in Russia, I spent most of the time in cities.

Pictures of birds in Russia and other nature pages are separate:

Birds in Russia
Bird Page for Russia
Nature Pages
Other Nature Pages

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Nature in Russia

Birch (Betula sp.)
Birch forest (Betula sp., german: Birken, french: Bouleau). (1343k)
Birch (Betula sp.)
Mixed Birch (Betula sp., german: Birken, french: Bouleau), Spruce (Picea sp., german: Fichten, french: Épicéa), and Pine (Pinus sp., german: Kiefern, french: Pin) forest. (1.5M)
Along Trans-siberian Railroad Sometimes
Along the Trans-siberian Railroad there were sometimes birch forests where many of the trees seemed to be dead. (764k)
View Lake Baikal Chersky
View of Lake Baikal from Chersky Stone, the Angara River is on the right. Colored ribbons were placed by Buryat people to symbolize their prayers as part of their shamanic tradition. (699k)
View Lake Baikal Chersky
View of Lake Baikal from Chersky Stone. (821k)

This page contains 5 pictures with 3 species

Main page for Россия (Russia)

Page last updated on Thu Jan 23 13:26:39 2020 (Mountain Standard Time)

Nature in Russia on soaring.geichhorn.com

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

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*Soaring website