A lot of the information on this page is from The Ancient Egypt Site (AES below), the site Ancient Egypt (AE below), and from Wikipedia. These sites have a lot of information and consistent time lines, although they differ. All the hieroglyphic names are from the AE website. The times are mainly from Wikipedia.

This period includes part of the Argead Dynasty (from Alexander the Great to Alexander IV), and the Ptolemaic Dynasties.

From the Ptolemaic Kingdom entry in Wikipedia:

The Ptolemaic Kingdom was an ancient Hellenistic state based in Egypt. It was founded in 305 BCE by Ptolemy I Soter, a companion of Alexander the Great, and lasted until the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BCE. Ruling for nearly three centuries, the Ptolemies were the longest and most recent Egyptian dynasty of ancient origin.

Alexander the Great conquered Persian-controlled Egypt in 332 BCE during his campaigns against the Achaemenid Empire. After Alexander's death in 323 BCE, his empire quickly unraveled amid competing claims by the diadochi, his closest friends and companions. Ptolemy, a Macedonian Greek who was one of Alexander's most trusted generals and confidants, won control of Egypt from his rivals and declared himself pharaoh. Alexandria, a Greek polis founded by Alexander, became the capital city and a major center of Greek culture, learning, and trade for the next several centuries. Following the Syrian Wars with the Seleucid Empire, a rival Hellenistic state, the Ptolemaic Kingdom expanded its territory to include eastern Libya, the Sinai, and northern Nubia.

Following is the list of Egyptian Pharaohs as well as I could determine it:

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Name of Pharaoh Dates Birth Name Coronation Name Horus Name Comment

(from The Ancient Egypt Site and Ancient Egypt)

Macedonian Kings (AES )

332 - 304 BCE

Alexander the Great (Wiki)332 - 323 BCEAlexander the GreatAlexander the GreatAlexander the Great
Phillipos III Arrhidaeos (Wiki)323 - 317 BCEPhillipos  III ArrhidaeosPhillipos  III ArrhidaeosPhillipos  III Arrhidaeos
Alexander IV (Wiki)317 - 309 BCEAlexander IVAlexander IV
Alexander IV

Ptolemaic Era (AES Wiki )

305 - 30 BCE

Ptolemaios I Soter (Wiki)305 - 282 BCEPtolemaios I SoterPtolemaios I Soter
Ptolemaios I Soter
Ptolemaios II Philadelphos (Wiki)285 - 246 BCEPtolemaios II PhiladelphosPtolemaios II Philadelphosn/a
Ptolemaios III Euergetes (Wiki)246 - 221 BCEPtolemaios III EuergetesPtolemaios III EuergetesPtolemaios III Euergetes
Berenice II (Wiki)246 - 221 BCEBerenice IIBerenice II
Berenice II
Co-regent with Ptolemaios III Euergetes
Ptolemaios IV Philopator (Wiki)221 - 203 BCEPtolemaios IV PhilopatorPtolemaios IV Philopatorn/a
Ptolemaios V Epiphanes (Wiki)203 - 181 BCEPtolemaios V EpiphanesPtolemaios V Epiphanesn/a
Cleopatra I (Syra) (Wiki)181 - 178 BCECleopatra In/an/a
Regent for Ptolemaios VI Philometor
Ptolemaios VI Philometor (Wiki)181 - 164 BCEPtolemaios VI PhilometorPtolemaios VI Philometorn/a
Ptolemaios VII Neos Philopator (Wiki)n/aPtolemaios VII Neos Philopatorn/a
Never reigned
Cleopatra II Philometora Soteira (Wiki)170 - 163 BCECleopatra II Philometora Soteiran/an/a
Ptolemaios VIII Euergetes Physcon (Wiki)170 - 163 BCEPtolemaios VIII Euergetes PhysconPtolemaios VIII Euergetes Physconn/a
Ptolemaios VI Philometor (Wiki)163 - 145 BCEPtolemaios VI PhilometorPtolemaios VI Philometorn/a
Ptolemaios VIII Euergetes Physcon (Wiki)145 - 116 BCEPtolemaios VIII Euergetes PhysconPtolemaios VIII Euergetes Physconn/a
Cleopatra II Philometora Soteira (Wiki)131 - 127 BCECleopatra II Philometora Soteiran/an/a
Cleopatra II Philometora Soteira (Wiki)124 - 116 BCECleopatra II Philometora Soteiran/an/a
Cleopatra III Philometor Soteira Dikaiosyne Nikephoros (Wiki)116 - 101 BCECleopatra III Philometor Soteira Dikaiosyne NikephorosCleopatra III Philometor Soteira Dikaiosyne Nikephorosn/a
Ptolemaios IX Soter II (Wiki)116 - 107 BCEPtolemaios IX Soter IIPtolemaios IX Soter IIn/a
Ptolemaios X Alexander (Wiki)107 - 88 BCEPtolemaios X AlexanderPtolemaios X Alexandern/a
Ptolemaios IX Soter II (Wiki)88 - 81 BCEPtolemaios IX Soter IIPtolemaios IX Soter IIn/a
Berenice III Philopator (Wiki)81 - 80 BCEBerenice III Philopatorn/an/a
Ptolemaios XI Alexander II (Wiki)80 BCEn/an/an/a
Ptolemaios XII Neos Dionysos (Wiki)80 - 58 BCEPtolemaios XII Neos DionysosPtolemaios XII Neos Dionysosn/a
Cleopatra V Tryphaena (Wiki)58 - 57 BCEn/an/an/a
Berenice IV Epiphaneia (Wiki)58 - 55 BCEn/an/an/a
Ptolemaios XII Neos Dionysos (Wiki)55 - 51 BCEPtolemaios XII Neos DionysosPtolemaios XII Neos Dionysosn/a
Cleopatra VII Philopator (Wiki)51 - 30 BCECleopatra VII PhilopatorCleopatra VII Philopatorn/a
Last of the female Pharaohs, the famous Cleopatra
Ptolemaios XIII Theos Philopator (Wiki)51 - 47 BCEn/an/an/a
Ptolemaios XIV (Wiki)47 - 44 BCEn/an/an/a
Ptolemaios XV Caesarion (Wiki)44 - 30 BCEPtolemaios XV CaesarionPtolemaios XV Caesarionn/a
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Pharaoh's Cartouches

Birth Name Right Coronation
Birth Name (right) and Coronation Name (left) of Alexander the Great. He is wearing the Khepresh, the War Crown. (749k)
Close-up Alexander Great Birth
Close-up of Alexander the Great with his Birth Name. (836k)
Alexander Great Birth Name
Alexander the Great with his Birth Name, wearing the Pshent, or Double Crown. (616k)
Alexander Great Wearing Khepresh
Alexander the Great wearing the Khepresh, the War Crown, facing Amun Min, with his Birth Name (lower right) and Coronation Name (upper right). (704k)
Horus Name Phillipos Iii
Horus Name of Phillipos III Arrhidaeos (left). (825k)
Birth Name Left Coronation
Birth Name (left) and Coronation Name (right) of Phillipos III Arrhidaeos. (1271k)
Birth Name Left Coronation
Birth Name (left) and Coronation Name (right) of Ptolemaios II Philadelphos. (693k)
Ptolemaios Ii Userkare-meryamun Given
Ptolemaios II (Userkare-Meryamun is given here, but it sometimes appears as Userkaenre-Meryamun). (565k)
Birth Name Left Coronation
Birth Name (left) and Coronation Name (right) Ptolemaios III Euergetes. (634k)
Birth Name Right Coronation
Birth Name (right) and Coronation Name (left) of Ptolemaios IV Philopator. (596k)
Birth Name Right Coronation
Birth Name (right) and Coronation Name (left) of Ptolemaios IV Philopator. (889k)
Birth Name Right Coronation
Birth Name (right) and Coronation Name (left) of Ptolemaios IV Philopator. (701k)
Birth Name Right Coronation
Birth Name (right) and Coronation Name (left) of Ptolemaios IV Philopator. (586k)
Ptolemaios V
Ptolemaios V. (713k)
Birth Name Ptolemaios Vi
Birth Name of Ptolemaios VI Philometor. (1037k)
Birth Name Ptolemaios Vi
Birth Name of Ptolemaios VI Philometor. (979k)
Birth Name Right Coronation
Birth Name (right) and Coronation Name (left) of Ptolemaios VI Philometor. (1034k)
Birth Name Left Coronation
Birth Name (left) and Coronation Name (right) of Ptolemaios VIII Euergetes Physcon. (818k)
Close-up Birth Name Right
Close-up of Birth Name (right) and Coronation Name (left) of Ptolemaios VIII Euergetes Physcon. (753k)
Ptolemaios Viii Euergetes Physcon
Ptolemaios VIII Euergetes Physcon being crowned by the Goddesses Wadjet (right) and Nekhbet (left). (885k)
Coronation Name Ptolemaios Viii
Coronation Name of Ptolemaios VIII Euergetes Physcon. (598k)
Close-up Coronation Name Ptolemaios
Close-up of Coronation Name of Ptolemaios VIII Euergetes Physcon. (770k)
Birth Name Ptolemaios Ix
Birth Name of Ptolemaios IX Soter. (669k)
Birth Name Left Coronation
Birth Name (left) of and Coronation Name (right) of Ptolemaios IX Soter. (771k)
Birth Name Right Coronation
Birth Name (right) of and Coronation Name (left) of Ptolemaios IX Soter. (607k)
Birth Name Right Coronation
Birth Name (right) and Coronation Name (left) of Ptolemaios XII Neos Dionysos. (692k)
Close-up Birth Name Right
Close-up of Birth Name (right) and Coronation Name (left) of Ptolemaios XII Neos Dionysos. (639k)
Close-up Birth Name Left
Close-up of the Birth Name (left) and Coronation Name (right) of Ptolemaios XII Neos Dionysos. (909k)
Birth Name Cleopatra Vii
Birth Name of Cleopatra VII and Birth Name of Ptolemaios XV Caesarion? (602k)
Birth Name Cleopatra Vii
Birth Name of Cleopatra VII. (950k)

This page contains 31 pictures

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Page last updated on Tue Nov 2 17:23:10 2021 (Mountain Standard Time)

Egypt - Pharaohs of the Greek Period - 332 - 30 BCE on soaring.geichhorn.com

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

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