Some Cartouches of Emperors of the Roman Period.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

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Pharaoh's Cartouches

Caesar Probably Augustus
A Caesar, probably Augustus. (764k)
Caesars Very Obscure Late
One of the Caesars (very obscure, late symbols). (770k)
Coronation Name Left Birth
Coronation Name (left) and Birth Name (right) of Tiberius. (745k)
Horus Name Tiberius
Horus Name of Tiberius. (578k)
Taller Two Cartouches Nomen
The taller two Cartouches are the nomen and praenomen of Tiberius, but why is the smaller one saying Wennefer-maat? (932k)
Nero Claudius Caesar Germanicus
Nero (Claudius Caesar Germanicus Autokrator). (669k)

This page contains 6 pictures

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Page last updated on Wed May 26 16:16:11 2021 (Mountain Standard Time)

Egypt - Pharaohs of the Roman Period - 30 BCE and later on

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