Nagarkot is a village about an hours drive from Kathmandu towards the Langtang Mountain Range of the Himalayas.

We walked for about two hours up the hill through local villages. On the way we came by a Shiva temple.

The hotel was on top of the hill with a spectacular view of the Himalayas. I watched the sunset and sunrise from the top of the hotel.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.


Nagarkot Langtang Range Background
Nagarkot with the Langtang Range in the background. (961k)
Rice Fields Around Nagarkot
Rice fields around Nagarkot with the Langtang Range in the background. (802k)
Shiva Statue Shiva Temple
Shiva statue at the Shiva temple on the way to Nagarkot. This statue is quite unusual. It has the four heads that are usually associated with the Hindu God Brahma. It holds Shiva's trident and the Damaru, the drum. But he also holds the Shanka (Conch Shell), and the Chakra, the spinning disk, which usually are associated with Vishnu. (915k)
Shrine Shiva Temple
Shrine at the Shiva temple. (1035k)
Very Elaborate Shiva Lingam
Very elaborate Shiva Lingam in the temple on the way to Nagarkot. (810k)
Depiction Durga Incarnation Parvati
Depiction of Durga (incarnation of Parvati), slaying the Buffalo Demon. (1079k)
Nandi Shiva's Vehicle Bull
Nandi, Shiva's vehicle, the bull, in front of the Shiva temple near Nagarkot. (726k)
Elaborately Decorated Shiva Lingam
Elaborately decorated Shiva Lingam near the Shiva temple on the way to Nagarkot. (1365k)

This page contains 8 pictures

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Page last updated on Thu Dec 31 15:02:29 2020 (Mountain Standard Time)

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